
The CISAROVE project was created in 2020 as a graphic processing of city fragments based on the visual principles of avant-garde trends of the 20th century, where fundamental geometric shapes such as a square, circle or line are given the main word. Initially, the project focused mainly on print graphics on a local scale. Over the course of three years, CISAROVE managed to establish cooperation with more than a dozen companies and participate in various concepts based on a significant visual language. CISAROVE gradually transitioned from being purely a print project and entered the space in the form of installations and applications of the language in various visual forms in an offline or online environment.


Alto Real Estate
Emil Frey
Golf club TT
Julius Meinl
MyHive Coworking
MIRRI Slovakia
Nivy SC
Nová Dunajská
Partners Group
Pradiareň 1900
Prior SC
United Industries
YIT Slovakia