Cisarove X Jurkovic's Heating Factory

The concept we prepared in cooperation with Alto Real Estate includes not only 100 limited - edition graphic prints but also a toolkit for incorporating the work into the company's corporate materials.The graphic was designed exclusively for the client and is not for sale.

The functionalist building of Jurkovic's Heating Factory is one of the last memories of Bratislava's golden industrial era. The building was partially damaged by bombing in 1944. In 2008, it received the status of a national cultural monument, making it historically significant for the city. During the reconstruction of Jurkovic's Heating Factory, many original elements were preserved including, coal hoppers, original window frames, steel structures, bricks and a transporter crane. The main architect of the conversion is Martin Paško and DF Creative Group, the author of the renovation of the facades and roof covering is PAMARCH, the Perspektiv studio handled the interior design of the rental premises. The building was completed in 2021 and entered the Alto Real Estate portfolio in 2022. Today, the building accommodates offices, the BASE flexible office concept, the DOT cafe. with the WERK gallery and restaurant

The resulting graphic processing is based on architectural visualizations, as the last stage of SKY PARK by Zaha Hadid was in the construction process during the collaboration. The graphic output has two forms. The first is a printed full-color version in a limited number of 100 pieces. Each graphic has its serial number and signature. The second version is monochromatic in line form to ensure seamless application to corporate objects and the client is not limited by the variety of color backgrounds. The design manual, which summarizes the basic conditions and recommendations, serves to grasp the rules for the use of graphics. At the same time, to maintain the consistency of CISAROVE visual language.